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Cheese Storage Basics
Cheese Storage:
The first rule in cheese storage is that all cheese storage is not
equal. Semi-soft to hard cheese should be wrapped in foil to
prevent mold, but if you enjoy
soft cheeses like Brie, using
an airtight plastic container to keep from spreading the aroma
into other foods.
Store your shredded cheese in
an airtight container. Because shredded cheese has more exposed
surface area, it is more likely to mold and should be used
within a couple of days.
paper is great for wrapping for both young and medium-aged
cheese. Younger, softer cheeses such as Brie or Camembert need a
wrap that lets them breathe.
Parchment paper allows air to get in yet still offers
protection from the drying environment of the refrigerator.
Firmer cheeses such as
Cheddar need to breathe less but they still need to be
protected from drying out. Wrap these medium-aged cheeses in
parchment, then with a loose overwrap of plastic. Avoid
wrapping cheeses directly in plastic to protect the flavor and
texture of the cheese.
Double wrap (once with parchment,
then with plastic) strong,
pungent cheese
like Blue Cheese or Limberger to avoid having these
aromas fill your refrigerator or even better, use an
airtight cheese storage container. Place soft cheeses in an airtight container for extra assurance
against aroma leakage.
Although all cheeses will continue to ripen no matter how
carefully they are wrapped, proper storage prolongs the life of
your cheese.
Hard cheeses will generally keep for months and can
be frozen for up to 8 weeks (although it will effect texture),
while soft cheeses will last between one and three weeks if
stored in airtight containers.

Wine Glass Holders
Serving Cheese:
Cheese should be served at room temperature, this is when it
is the most flavorful.
I recommend letting cheese set out for thirty
minutes before serving. If you are only going to eat a small
amount, slice some off and let it warm while the rest stays
comfortably cool in your icebox.
Cheese that is constantly
warmed and cooled by trips in and out of the refrigerator will
dry out. If this is an issue for you, try the new cheese container / cheese slicer combos.
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